High Efficiency Irrigation System to smallholder Pakistani farmers

[This is summary of my presentation at Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs Summit (YLES) at Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) on Jan 21, 2010. The…

On my recent visit to Mithi (Sindh, Pakistan), I went to this farm where the farmer has turned desert into a productive green patch. There…

Script of my presentation about Acumen Fund Fellowship at Acumen Fund Pakistan Community Gathering on Dec 11, 2009. I’ll tell you a story Once upon…

Acumen Fund Acumen Fund is a non-profit global venture fund that uses entrepreneurial approaches to solve the problems of global poverty Acumen Fund Fellowship Program…

هجرتوں كی ساعت میں لب دبا كے دانتوں میں آنسووں كو آنكھوں میں گر نه روك پاو تو اپنی بھیگی پلكوں كو پشت سے هتھیلی…
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