Intech Process Automation
In six years of my association as founding member, I led Intech’s software product division from concept to almost commercialization stage. In March 2001, the software team had just been formed at Intech to develop a next generation SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) system to feed web-enabled Human Machine Interface for remote monitoring/control and management of geographically separate multi-facility manufacturing and process plants. The software team/product was named WES (web enterprise solution).
It was a dream job for a fresh graduate looking for big challenge and freedom. Since the product was just a concept then, I got a chance to work in all phases of SDLC (software development life cycle) – from requirements development to deployment. In initial days, as a small team of four, our focus was on requirement analysis. Then we developed a small prototype for investors and in-house custmoers to demonstrate proof of concept and selected technologies. An extensive R&D effort went into building the core scalable engines and integration framework which would become foundations of the control system solution capable of managing anything from a small fueling station to large oil refinery.
Once the team started to expand, I led multiple teams developing core engines and then established departments of Quality Assurance/Control, and SCM (Software Configuration Management. Later, I moved away from software development to business analysis by establishing and leading the ‘Field Testing Division’ – a division to study market trends and requirements and ensure that the company’s released products meet customers’ functional and performance requirements. The division not only had quality control teams but also had partnerships with multiple manufacturing and process plants for pre-release tests (beta testing) of the software products in real time plant floor environment. As part of beta release program, I led the control system deployment projects for an Electric Power Plant; technical and commercial negotiations were in progress with cement, paint and chemical plants when I left the organization to attend the business school, in August 2006.
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